Your 1:1 Personal Journey Begins Here...

The Sól Way: Restore Reconnect Rebalance

Experience the ultimate transformation and awakening through a comprehensive program that integrates the power of your mind, body, heart, and soul. My approach is designed to elevate you to your highest potential, unlocking your inner strength, and helping you achieve the lasting change you desire.


Do you find yourself relating to any of the following?

  1. Feeling blocked by low self-esteem, self-doubt, self-judgment, or worry?
  2. Struggling with conditions or disorders such as ADHD, fibromyalgia, PCOD, PTSD, insomnia, depression, chronic stress, IBS, or other syndromes?
  3. Feeling disconnected from your life’s purpose and feeling a strong desire for change?
  4. Holding onto past mistakes, guilt, and shame?
  5. Finding yourself repeating the same patterns in your relationships?
  6. Feeling lost in your spiritual journey and not seeing any progress or benefits?
  7. Spending too much time in your head and wanting to connect with your inner guide to enhance your intuition?
  8. Struggling to set healthy boundaries for yourself?
  9. Feeling like your inner child is still unhealed and waiting to be rescued in a dark room?
  10. Getting triggered easily without understanding the root cause?

The good news is - with the right guidance, support, tools, and techniques, it is possible to transform all of these challenges and improve your overall health and well-being through natural and holistic methods.

"Varun has been the answer to my prayers. He created a sacred space designed specifically for me using sacred tools and techniques along with shared wisdom, guiding me, enriching my soul in order to heal wounds, past traumas and negative programming replacing them with love and self-worth. Being a woman coming from many traumas relating to men, Varun helped me to see how I have been loosing my true essence in the process. To be given this deeper insight behind the masculine and feminine energies from a male's perspective is truly divine. He is heaven sent in every sense of the word. God Bless You Varun"

- Brooke (Australia)

What happens when you are Restored Reconnected & Rebalanced....

    1. As you tap into your intuition, you find that it serves as a valuable guide, effortlessly providing you with inner wisdom and guidance.
    2. This newfound sense of clarity and confidence helps you to let go of self-doubt and move forward with purpose.
    3. With greater empathy and compassion, your relationships become more fulfilling and you naturally attract healthier connections that are rooted in growth, intimacy, and deep connections.
    4. You appreciate yourself and all of your life experiences, which fosters a sense of gratitude and spiritual connection.
    5. As you release emotional imbalances and suppressed emotions, you may find that physical ailments begin to dissipate, and your health reaches peak levels.
    6. You are in tune with your emotions and can set healthy boundaries for yourself.
    7. In your career, you experience a sense of flow and creativity, and work becomes a source of joy and fulfillment.
    8. You are able to speak your truth with ease and authenticity, paving the way for abundance and success.


"Varun is such a pure soul. He put so much love and devotion in everything he does. With him, it's so easy for one to be and to express oneself, as he is always in a relaxed and natural way without inhibitions because he always seeks to know about you and to connect with you from the soul and that is something which reaches the soul. "

- Roxana (Spain)

My approach...

I believe that true healing requires a personalized and holistic approach, and I am dedicated to providing my clients with the tools and strategies that are best suited to their individual needs. My approach to healing is integrative, meaning that I draw on a variety of therapeutic modalities to create a comprehensive plan for you. Whether we are working together to address physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, or spiritual awakening, I am committed to helping you achieve your desired outcomes.

To ensure that our sessions are effective, I take the time to develop a genuine and trusting relationship with each of my clients. I believe that the healing power of relationships is essential to our work together, so it is important to me that you feel heard, seen, and safe in our sessions. I approach my work with compassion, empathy, and non-judgment, creating a space where you can feel free to be your authentic self.

During our sessions, I may incorporate a range of techniques, including meditation and breathwork, inner child work, energy healing, subconscious reprogramming, lifestyle and dietary adjustments, spiritual guidance and chakra work. I tailor each session to your specific needs, ensuring that the strategies and tools we use are aligned with your goals and desired outcomes. My ultimate goal is to empower you to overcome any obstacles and create the life you deserve, while embracing your true self.

Further, I empower you to tap into your innate ability to heal yourself, and help you to uncover and connect with your unique gifts and abilities. By embracing your individuality, you gain a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment, which enhances your overall wellbeing.

If this resonates with you and you are ready to take the first step towards self-discovery and personal growth, I invite you to apply below. Together, we can explore the best way to embark on this journey of healing and transformation, tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Let's work together to unlock your true potential and create the fulfilling life you deserve.

"Every time I had sessions with Varun, it took me to the deepest of my cores and things started to make sense. I left every session feeling heard, empowered and released part of me, which didn't serve me for my highest purpose. In the past, I have had therapy and healing sessions with others but they were not even close to him. His empathy and approach is unlike anything I have experienced before. He is such a gifted soul and really good at what he does. I highly recommend him and feeling so much gratitude for our time together."

- Sophie (UK)